In case of an emergency, or to confidentially report an incident or concerning behavior, please use the contact information below.
In case of a medical emergency or an emergency where someone’s safety is at risk,
- Call 911
- Call Campus Police at (502) 897-4444
If you need to confidentially report an incident or concerning behavior,
- Call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, or
- Call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or
- Make a report online by filling out
(Please note that you will be redirected away from to an online form hosted with NAVEX Global at )
The following section is provided to help students and employees know what to do in a number of difficult situations.
What to Do if You Have an Emergency
If you have an emergency, you should seek help immediately by calling 911 and Campus Police. Campus Police has officers and dispatchers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You can call Campus Police any time: (502) 897-4444 from an off-campus phone or extension 4444 from an on-campus phone.
- You can visit Campus Police any time. The office is located on the ground level of the Duke K. McCall Pavilion. The office entry doors are located on the brick sidewalk area of the Honeycutt/Norton connector.
- You can also call Louisville Metro Police, Fire, EMS or other Metro emergency departments by dialing 911.
After resolution of the emergency, if you need follow up care, you can contact the appropriate Student Life office: Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230; or Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110. If you are an employee and need follow up care, please contact the Human Resources office at (502) 897-4721.
What to Do if You Observe Concerning Behavior on Campus
If the concerning behavior is an emergency: You should call 911 and seek Campus Police immediately. Campus Police has officers and dispatchers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You can call Campus Police any time: (502) 897-4444 from an off-campus phone or extension 4444 from an on-campus phone.
- You can visit Campus Police any time. The office is located on the ground level of the Duke K. McCall Pavilion. The office entry doors are located on the brick sidewalk area of the
Honeycutt/Norton connector.
If the concerning behavior is not an emergency:
Students should contact the appropriate Student Life office: Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230; or Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110.
Employees should alert Human Resources by contacting Human Resources at (502) 897-4721.
If you would like to make a confidential report, please call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or .
What to Do If You Are Being Harassed, Threatened, or Assaulted
Southern Seminary is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and other unbiblical conduct. Policies related to this can be found in the Student Handbook and the .
If you are being harassed, threatened, or assaulted by anyone, you should seek Campus Police immediately. Harassment is threatening behavior that is meant to intimidate or alarm another person (see ). Campus Police will determine how to respond to the situation in coordination with the appropriate offices on campus, including Student Life or Human Resources.
Campus Police has officers and dispatchers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You can call Campus Police any time: (502) 897-4444 from an off-campus phone or extension 4444 from an on-campus phone.
- You can visit Campus Police any time. The office is located on the ground level of the Duke K. McCall Pavilion. The office entry doors are located on the brick sidewalk area of the
Honeycutt/Norton connector.
Campus Police will coordinate with the appropriate offices on campus to respond properly to an allegation of harassment or assault. All allegations of an employee harassing, threatening, or assaulting a student will be addressed by the appropriate offices. All allegations of a student harassing, threatening, or assaulting another student will be handled by the appropriate Dean of Students’ office.
After initial report to Campus Police regarding the harassment, please contact the appropriate Student Life office if you need follow up care.
Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230; or Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110.
Employees that need follow up care should contact Human Resources at (502) 897-4721.
If you would like to make a confidential report, please call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or .
What to Do if you are Being Sexually Harassed
If you have been sexually harassed, you should report it to Human Resources ( (502) 897-4721 ) or the Women’s Support Coordinator ( (502) 897-4792 ) immediately. Sexual harassment is unlawful and can involve a variety of unwanted or unwelcome behaviors such as sexually suggestive statements or questions, offensive jokes, innuendos, offensive touching, and displaying or showing sexually suggestive images. (This does not limit the discussion of human sexuality in an instructional setting.) The Seminary prohibits unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, where:
- Submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of a student’s status as a student; or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for decisions affecting the student; or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle and not-so-subtle behaviors and may involve individuals of the same sex or different sexes. Incidences of perceived harassment by a student should be reported to the Dean of Students or the Women’s Support Coordinator for redress according to the discipline policy.
All allegations of an employee sexually harassing a student will be handled according to Sexual Harassment Policy in the Employee Handbook by the appropriate offices. All allegations of a student sexually harassing another student will be handled by the Dean of Students’ office.
After initial report to the Dean of Students or the Women’s Support Coordinator regarding the sexual harassment, please contact the appropriate office if you need follow up care.
Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230; or Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110; or the Women’s Support Coordinator: (502) 897-4792, Norton 154.
Employees that need follow up care should contact Human Resources at (502) 897-4721.
If you would like to make a confidential report, please call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or .
What to Do if You Feel You’re a Threat to Yourself
If you feel you are a threat to your own safety, you should make immediate use of the resources available to you. If the urge to harm yourself becomes critical, you should seek help from any one of the following resources:
- Campus Police: (502) 897-4444
- Any Emergency Room. The closest are:
- Baptist East Hospital ER, , (502) 897-8141
- Norton Suburban Hospital ER, , (502) 893-1000
- Emergency Psychiatry Services at University Hospital:(502) 562-3121
- Norton Hospital Mental Health Facility, : (502) 629-6700
In addition to these public resources, make use of the support relationships you have available to you. Do not suffer alone. Talk to people around you. Consider:
- Family relationships and close friendships
- The pastor(s) of your local church
- For student, the Residence Life or Student Life staff
- For employees, Human Resources
For Southern students, contact Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230. For Boyce students, contact Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110.
Employees can contact Human Resources at (502) 897-4721.
If you would like to make a confidential report, please call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or .
What to Do If you Think Another Person is a Threat to Themselves
If you think another person is a threat to themselves due either to (1) statements they have made about their intent to harm themselves or (2) any self-harming behavior, then you must contact Campus Police. Campus Police will determine how to respond to the situation in coordination with the appropriate offices on campus, including Student Life or Human Resources.
Campus Police has officers and dispatchers working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You can call Campus Police any time: (502) 897-4444 from an off-campus phone or extension 4444 from an on-campus phone.
- You can visit Campus Police any time. The office is located on the ground level of the Duke K. McCall Pavilion. The office entry doors are located on the brick sidewalk area of the Honeycutt/Norton connector.
- You can also call Louisville Metro Police, Fire, EMS or other Metro emergency departments by dialing 911.
Other resources available for immediate help include:Any Emergency Room. The closest are:
- Baptist East Hospital ER, , (502) 897-8141
- Norton Suburban Hospital ER, , (502) 893-1000
- Emergency Psychiatry Services at University Hospital:(502) 562-3121
- Norton Hospital Mental Health Facility, : (502) 629-6700
In addition to these public resources, make use of the support relationships you have available to you. Do not suffer alone. Talk to people around you. Consider:
- Family relationships and close friendships
- The pastor(s) of your local church
- For student, the Residence Life or Student Life staff
- For employees, Human Resources
For Southern students, contact Student Life at Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230. For Boyce students, contact Student Life at Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110.
Employees can contact Human Resources at (502) 897-4721.
If you would like to make a confidential report, please call the 24-hour Confidential Reporting Hotline at 866-458-3958, call the Women’s Support Coordinator at (502) 897-4792, or .
What to Do If You Suspect Abuse Against a Child
Kentucky law requires that any person who suspects that a minor (under 18) is the victim of abuse or neglect must immediately contact a local law enforcement agency or other agency authorized by statute (). Both physical and sexual abuse must be reported. You do not have to be certain of the abuse; your reasonable suspicion is enough to require a report.
Local law enforcement includes Louisville Metro Police Department at (502) 574-7111 or the Kentucky Child/Adult Protective Services Reporting System at (877) 597-2331. You may call LMPD Crimes Against Children division directly at (502) 574-2465.
Southern’s policy found in the Student Handbook and the Employee Handbook requires those who suspect child abuse to report directly to LMPD or KCPS. Reporting to Campus Police is not sufficient under this policy. Louisville Metro Police may later coordinate with Campus Police for criminal investigations. Failure to report suspected abuse directly to LMPD or KCPS may result in criminal charges and/or disciplinary action.
After the initial report to LMPD, you must also contact the appropriate office so that they can take the appropriate action.
If the suspected abuser is a student, contact the office of the Dean of Students.
Southern Seminary: (502) 897-4220, Honeycutt 230. Boyce College: (502) 897-4295, Williams 110.
If the suspected abuser is a faculty member, contact the office of the Provost: (502) 897-4099, Norton 147.
If the suspected abuser is a staff member, contact Human Resources: (502) 897-4721, Carver 204.